Asymptotic Confidence IntervalsΒΆ

Asymptotic Confidence Interval for \(\mu\)ΒΆ

A \(100(1-\alpha)\%\) asymptotic confidence interval for \(\mu\) with a unknown \(\sigma^2\) is: \(\big[\bar{X} - z_{1-\alpha/2}*\frac{s}{\sqrt n}, \bar{X} + z_{1-\alpha/2}*\frac{s}{\sqrt n}\big]\).

Here is a simulation study example (code main source).

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from scipy.stats import norm, expon

def CI(X, confidence=0.95):
    alpha = 1 - confidence
    X = np.asarray(X)
    n = X.shape[0]
    Xbar = np.mean(X)
    s = np.std(X) * np.sqrt(n / (n-1)) # when n is large this factor
                                       # have little effect
    quantile = norm.ppf(1 - alpha /  2)
    lower = Xbar - quantile * s / np.sqrt(n)
    upper = Xbar + quantile * s / np.sqrt(n)
    return lower, upper

myrv = expon(scale=4)
ninterval = 100
f = plt.figure(figsize=(10, 8))
ax = f.gca()
covered = 0
for i in range(ninterval):
    X = myrv.rvs(size=(100,))
    L, U = CI(X, confidence=0.9)
    cover = (L < myrv.mean()) * (U > myrv.mean())
    ax.plot([L, U], [i, i], color={True:'blue', False:'red'}[cover])
    ax.axvline(myrv.mean(), c='k', linestyle='--')
    covered += cover
ax.set_title('%d of %d cover the true mean' % (covered, ninterval))
Text(0.5, 1.0, '88 of 100 cover the true mean')

Asymptotic Confidence Interval for Population Proportion pΒΆ

A \(100(1-\alpha)\%\) asymptotic confidence interval for p is: \(\big[\hat{p} - z_{1-\alpha/2}*\sqrt\frac{\hat{p}(1-\hat{p})}{n}, \bar{X} + z_{1-\alpha/2}*\frac{s}{\sqrt n}\big]\).

import statsmodels as sm
from statsmodels.stats.proportion import proportion_confint   
proportion_confint(count = 33, nobs = 78, alpha=0.05, method='normal')
(0.3134368253908742, 0.5327170207629719)

Session InfoΒΆ

import session_info
Click to view session information
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Click to view modules imported as dependencies
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Python 3.8.12 (default, May  4 2022, 08:13:04) [GCC 9.4.0]
Session information updated at 2022-05-28 16:28