Abstracts in Conferences
Aldag, S., Topcuoglu, D., and Inan, G. Revisiting historical bar graphics on epidemics in the era of R ggplot2. Joint Statistical Meetings (JSM), August 8-12, 2021, Virtual Conference. [Slides]
Inan, G. and Siddique, J. Joint modeling the frequency and duration of physical activity data from a life-style intervention trial. Y-BIS 2019: ISBIS Young Business and Industrial Statisticians Workshop on Recent Advances in Data Science and Business Analytics, 25-28 September 2019, Istanbul, Turkey.
Inan, G. Bayesian joint modeling of migraine frequency and duration outcomes. Joint Statistical Meetings (JSM), 27 July-1 August 2019, Denver, Colorado, USA.
Inan, G. and Preisser, J. Analysis of longitudinal semi-continuous data: A marginalized multilevel model approach. XXIXth International Biometric Conference, 8-13 July 2018, Barcelona, Spain.
Inan, G., Preisser, J., and Das, K. A score test for over-dispersion in marginalized zero-inflated Poisson regression models. Joint Statistical Meetings (JSM), 29 July-3 August 2017, Baltimore, MD, USA.
Inan, G., Latif, M., and Preisser, J. A criterion for selection of working correlation structure in generalized estimating equations. The International Society for Clinical Biostatistics (ISCB), 9-13 July 2017, Vigo, Spain.
Inan, G., Preisser, J., and Das, K. A score test for over-dispersion for marginalized zero-inflated Poisson regression models. 9th EMR-IBS and Italian Region Conference, 8-12 May 2017, Thessaloniki, Greece.
Inan, G. and Yucel, R.M. Joint GEEs for multivariate correlated data with incomplete binary outcomes. International Conference on Health Policy Statistics (ICHPS), 7-9 October 2015, Providence, RI, USA.
- A Bayesian Joint Model for Analysis of the Frequency and Duration of Physical Activity from a Lifestyle Intervention Trial", Bogazici University, IMBM-Mathematics Days VII, Istanbul, October 13, 2023.
- "Cross-validation: What does it estimate and how well does it do it?" at Machine Learning in Montpellier, Theory & Practice, France, online, January, 2022. [Slides]
- "A score test for testing a marginalized zero-inflated Poisson regression model against a marginalized zero-inflated negative-binomial regression model" at Basque Center for Applied Mathematics, Bilbao, Spain, September 2017.
- "A score test for testing a marginalized zero-inflated Poisson regression model against a marginalized zero-inflated negative-binomial regression model" at School of Science, Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology, Melbourne, Australia, June 2017.
- "A score test for testing a marginalized zero-inflated Poisson regression model against a marginalized zero-inflated negative-binomial regression model" at Department of Statistics, Middle East Technical University, December 2016.
"A marginalized multilevel model for bivariate longitudinal binary data", at Department of Statistics, Hacettepe University, January 2015.
"A marginalized multilevel model for bivariate longitudinal binary data", at Department of Statistics, Middle East Technical University, June 2014.